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Readings, or sensor readings, are sent along site points, and contain additional infomation that has been recorded by the device, at a given point in time.

  • Identifiers:
    • Reading ID: Unique identifier of the point
    • Device ID: Device that the point relates to
    • Transmission ID: Hash that relates to the transmission the data was received in. Can be used to connect mutiple points and readings.
    • Gateway ID: If set (and visible), the data was received via a device with this ID
    • SensorDeviceID
  • Timestamps:
    • Time the device recorded the point. (Can be 1970 if the device didn't know the time)
    • Time the point was successfully received by the receiving endpoint
  • Data:
    • Type of data (see #types)
    • Value of data
    • Additional meta data


Different interfaces may expose these details in different ways, and you are encouraged to look at the individual interface documentaiton.


Each reading has a type attribute, which indicates what kind of reading it is, and thus the type of data to expect.

These reading types are sent from most devices:

  • temp
  • ble_seen
  • chg_voltage

Some readings will only be sent by devices that have additional sensors built in, such as the Enviro:

  • humidity_bme
  • pressure_bme
  • temp_bme

Or by devices that plug into power, such as the Vehicle Tracker:

  • ext_voltage

Many other sensor readings are available, and will continue to be documented here.

If you need help understanding a reading type that is not listed here, please contact us.

  • humidity
  • temp_hw
  • pressure_hw
  • light
  • heartrate
  • acc_ext
  • acc_maxForce
  • acc_maxTilt
  • geofence_log
  • lora_packet
  • uart_blob
  • ultra
  • unknown
  • temp_dht
  • tds_adc
  • tamper_detected
  • max_speed
  • loragw_seen_hack
  • light_detected
  • humidity_dht
  • chg_data
  • cadence
  • ble_seen
  • battery
  • adcraw_90
  • adcraw_245
  • adcraw_2
  • adcraw_10
  • adcraw_0
  • adc_90
  • adc_245
  • adc_10
  • accel_3d