Getting Started

Getting Started

If you have just received your first Lightbug device, then this guide will help you get started.

Please make sure you have first changed the battery in your device. (Example Zero insturctions can be found here).

Creating an account

You need to register an account to get started with the platform or devices.

Step 1: Navigate to the login page (opens in a new tab)

Step 2: Click the SIGN UP button

Step 3: Enter your details and click Register


You should find yourself at the start of the onboarding process.

Linking your first tracker

After creating a new account, the Lightbug App or the web portal will guide you through the simple steps to link your tracker to your account (opens in a new tab).

Step 1: Entering Serial Numbers

The serial number appears on a sticker on all Lightbug devices.

Hint: If you have Bluetooth enabled while using the Lightbug App, it will automatically detect the device serial number and fill it in for you.

Enter the serial number and click Register.

Step 2: Setting up your Data Plan

Choose a plan for your device, by clicking the Select button on a plan.

If needed, you can change your plan later on.

Per Location Billing

Every time a device transmits (e.g. updates its position), a location counter is incremented for your account. If you have multiple devices, they all add to your counter. At the end of each month, you will receive a bill for your total usage.


Usage per device per month is capped to 300 updates to make sure your bill stays small. There is also a minimum charge of 10 locations per bill to cover credit card processing fees.

More information covering pay per location billing can be found on our main website (opens in a new tab).

Standard Plan

The Standard plan offers up to 6 location updates per day with a fixed monthly fee.


The standard plan is not compatible with our motion detection feature.

Unlimited Plan

If you anticipate that the device will transmit very often, it may be more cost effective to select the Unlimited Plan. You will be billed the stated price, no matter how many times the device transmits its location.

Step 3: Adding billing information

Add your billing information so that your tracker will remain active after your free trial period.

You will not be charged until your free trial period is over.


Current free trial periods are 300 free location credits, or 1 month of the Standard or Unlimited plan.


Your Lightbug tracker will not activate if you do not add your billing information.


If you would like to add more trackers to the same account, then follow the steps outlined in TODO.

Lightbug Documentation