Version 1
Error codes

Error codes

Locations can have device error codes attached to them.

There have a positive integer value, up to a maximum of 255, but are not a bitfield.

  • 13: TX too long ago
  • 30: system severe error
  • 31: hard fault
  • 32: GSM no network
  • 33: GSM denied
  • 34: GPS lock fail: Indicates that the device failed to acquire a GPS lock within the GPS timeout period.
  • 35: GPS lock skipped: Indicates that the device has not moved since it last got (or attempted to get and failed) a GPS lock. This is not an error, this is a power saving measure indicating the device didn't bother turning on GPS. As soon as any motion is detected or 24 hours passes the flag is cleared and GPS turns on again. Almost always this is a good thing but if you'd like to disable it you can do so from the advanced settings (disable gps optimisation).
  • 36: RTCM watchdog
  • 251: too much power
  • 252: button reset
  • 253: health reset
  • 254: wake from deep sleep
  • 255: deliberate reset

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