Here you can control how things are displayed on your App and Portal.
Use Imperial Units: Changes distance and speed units from kilometres to miles.
Show Google Maps Button: Allows you to to open the coordinates of a tracker on google maps for street view and navigation.
Hide Wi-Fi Locations: Hide the Wi-Fi-based locations that the tracker has collected. Please note this option is only available for certain trackers. This option will not stop the tracker from sending these locations, it will only stop displaying them.
Disable Trip Grouping: When left unchecked, the portal will group the movement of the trackers into trips with start and stops. Trip grouping only works for very frequent location updates.
Disable Map Tilt: The Map will not tilt when playing back trips.
Hide Device Names: This will hide the name of each device below the markers on the Map.
Show last 24h exactly: When opening a device on the Map, the default date and time selection will be the last 24 hours.
Show today only: When opening a device on the Map, the default date and time selection will be today’s data.