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Map view settings

To change the Map view settings, click on the layer icon in the top right corner.

Map View Layer button

This will open a panel where you can change the map view settings.

The two sections allow choice of tile set and layers to be displayed.

Tile choices

Tile setDescription
StreetMapbox provided OSM tiles
SatelliteMapbox provided satellite tiles (maxar)
HybridA combination of Street and Satellite tiles
TrafficStreet tiles with traffic information

Layer choices

Devices are always shown on the map, but you can choose how they are displayed, and also turn off some additional layers.

Device clusteringCluster devices together under a single point, with a count, when zoomed out
ZonesDisplay zones outlined on the map
BeaconsDisplay beacons on the map based on metadata
Zone CountersDisplay number of devices in defined zones / geofences at the bottom of the map

Device clustering

ClusteredNot Clustered
ClusteredNot Clustered
Clusters show the number of devices within an areaEach device is shown indvidually on the map, optionally with the name

Clicking on a cluster will zoom in to show the individual devices, or smaller clusters.

Clicking on an individual device will open the device information panel.