

Update rate

The desired update rate while the device is moving.

Beacon period

When stationary, the device will automatically enter power saving mode.

In this mode, it will send priodic beacon updates to confirm it is still operational, report battery status, and download settings if they have changed.



Be sure you fully understand the implications of these settings before changing them on devies.


How many GPS points to send per interval.

This setting only applies while the device is awake.

Enable power budget

Abandon Transmissions that are taking too much power, to preserve battery.

Transmit only on beacon

Collect data in wake mode, and limit transmission so that data is only uploaded every time a beacon is sent.

Network wake delay

Delay transmission on first wake.

Useful to avoid approximate locations when the device first wakes up (waiting gives GPS chance to lock in).

Value is multiplied by 30s on the device side.

Value of 2 = 60s = 1 minute.

Modem on when awake

Leave cellular modem on and connected when the device is awake.

Can improve performance in low signal areas.

Modem on in sleep

Leave cellular modem on and connected when the device is in power-saving mode.

Reduces time to first alert when device moves.

Lock 2G mode

Force 2G mode and disable 4G network search. Reduces search time in countries with no 4G LTE-M / CAT-M1 coverage (e.g. the UK) but may prevent roaming when abroad.

Start Stop Only

Only record points at the start and end of each trip to save power.

Lock wake on Button

Lock wake mode when the button is pressed.

Designed for SOS type usage.

Lock wake

Disable power-saving mode.

Stay awake even when device is stationary.

Lightbug Documentation